Learning Outcome 4
Project 1- Comments
Project 2- Comments
Project 3- Comments
Looking back at peer review for paper 2, there were a lot of points that I really liked how Samantha was getting at. In their draft I was able to point out sentence errors for them to fix and ideas on how to format their sentences to make their paper flow a bit better. Personally, I think that leaving these revisions was impressive and a good point to make since this was something I struggle with a bit much as well. Being able to point out these local revisions in someone else’s writing helps me improve and find them in my own writing too. In one of the comments, I left I said, “you could go into explanation of why perspective taking is important yet can also be used wrongly.” Noticing how they can further explain what they are saying will strengthen their writing both improving how I can point out these local revisions and help their writing as well as they are able to fix their writing and learn from that. Something that I also took note on was how they explained their quotes and also how they formatted it. By leaving the local revisions on that, they are able to fix that for future papers since quotes are widely used in all writings. In my own past experiences in the past, I was assigned a peer review but we never focused that much on what types of revisions we needed to make. In high school, we never focused on global or local revisions. In my opinion, figuring and pointing out the different types of revisions make it a lot easier to notice the things you have to fix in your paper.