Learning Outcome 3

Learning Outcome 3

Employ techniques of active reading, critical reading, and informal reading response for inquiry, learning, and thinking.

“Unfollow” by Adrien Chen


Quote- “Yet she found him funny and engaging. “I knew he was evil, but he was friendly, so I was especially wary, because you don’t want to be seduced away from the truth by a crafty deceiver,” Phelps-Roper said.” (Chen 10).

Annotation- Yet they had different views and didn’t agree with what he was publishing, she still found his work engaging. Social media gave her a different sense of the world and thinking’s around her that her parents sheltered her from growing up.

Reflection– This quote stuck out to me as a point where she was finally able to see people other than evil. In my annotation I comment about how they had different views and didn’t agree with what each other was publishing but as for Megan she was able to see other characteristics and personality traits despite having different views.

“Devil’s Bait” by Leslie Jamison


Quote- “It would be easy to let all these faces dissolve into correlative possibility: Morgie’s as walking emblems for how hard it is for all of us to live in our own skin. I feel how conveniently these lives could be sculpted to fit the metaphoric structure- or structures of the essay itself.” (Jamison 169)

Annotation- Though we all have insecurities and walk around with the fear of judgement from others, people with Morgie’s walk around with something physical on their body.

Reflection- Since this was a big factor for most people who suffered from the disease, having to walk around and be faced with judgment of others, while annotating I decided to comment on this. While initially I believed that by Jamison relating to them with her own experiences to show empathy, how she feels insecure when walking around too, it is the opposite. Making these points while I was reading then switching my views helps and looking over the annotations, I was able to make connections back to what I thought before was Jamison showing empathy to what I then concluded she was doing.

“The Dignity of Disabled Lives” by Andrew Solomon


Quote-“Independence is not so brave a value as we often insist, and it is also almost impossible; we live in a collective fabric, all our lives entwined with the lives of others. Human beings are social animals. Disabled people are often dependent on other people, and in our lionization of self-sufficiency, we see that as a weakness. But dependency has its own particular poetry. It is a fundamental aspect of intimacy, a defining quality of love.” (Solomon 7)

Annotation- Independence is something we value so much yet we are very much dependent. Disabled people are viewed as dependent to begin with and we view that as a weakness, though they are independent.

Reflection-This quote stuck out to me since it gives a different perspective I never thought about before. When you think of people with disabilities you consider how they are dependent on other people like caregivers for everyday things. When taking into consideration how much nondisabled people values our independence and how we view being dependent on other people we view it as something negative. Though being dependent isn’t something that is values that way, the author explains that it as an aspect of intimacy and it is a defining quality of love. I never thought to make this connection, how we look at our own independence as being brave, yet it is the opposite.

Blog Post

“Devil’s Bait” By Leslie Jamison – Elizabeth’s Site (uneportfolio.org)

In my blog post and in my annotations in “Devil’s Bait” by Leslie Jamison, what I would comment on was a lot different than how I felt about the reading once I finished. While I was reading, I believed that that Jamison showed empathy for the patients and in my blog post I say, “Jamison wants us to have a better understanding when showing empathy by relating what they are going through to your own experiences to get a better understanding of what they are experiencing.” By the end of the reading, I had a change of view on how I looked at how she was showing empathy towards people with Morgellons, and I looked at the reading in a different way. Then going into my paper, I wrote something completely in a different view and tone of voice about how she demonstrates empathy. I believe this is an example of how I’ve grown as a critical thinker. Going into the reading first thinking one way and believing that, then once I was able to finish the reading, I could really rethink my thoughts and came to a totally different conclusion.

Wrap up/Reflection

Throughout the course of the semester, I believe that my abilities to active and critical think as a reader has grown a lot. Before starting this semester in past English classes I never drew connections and created relationships with the readings I would be assigned. During these past readings as I would annotate, I would point out ideas and make connections to my own life and the readings. I also noticed that I have been challenging myself as a writer by interrupting the reading in a way that I can challenge the prompt or point I am trying to make. By doing this, I am growing as a writer instead of writing about something that would be easy. When I read and I choose specific quotes to highlight I think about how it is useful to the story and how could this help me in my future writing. Even if I don’t end up using those quotes in my writing, they are useful to look back at when that could strengthen the point I am trying to make. In my writing I have made progress in how I explain and describe quotes. In my writing before I would explain the idea, use the quote, and I would lack the explanation of that quote. In my writing so far, I think I have made good progress when it comes to explain why the quotes, I use are useful to the paper and also choosing quotes that will really strengthen my paper.
