Learning Outcome 2

Learning Outcome 2

Be able to integrate their ideas with those of others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, analysis, and synthesis of relevant sources.

Paper 2-


 “With Dawn I fall into the easy groove of identification- I’ve felt that too– whenever she talks about her body as something that’s done her wrong. Her conditions seem like a crystallization of what I’ve always felt about myself- a wrongness in my being that I could never pin or name, so I found things to pin it to: My body, my thighs, my face.” (Jamison 169).

In my paper 2, I chose to challenge myself by taking the prompt in a different direction of something many people would disagree with. For that reason, having to explain and having a solid explanation to connect my ideas and my textual evidence was very important. In this section of my paper, I am talking about Leslie Jamison in “Devils Bait”. I first started off by saying how showing empathy for someone is oftentimes easier when you don’t know exactly the feelings of what they are going through. I start off by stating my idea about when you relate to someone that is suffering with your own experiences you are taking away from what they are going through and looking at it in a more selfish way. in my paper I say, “However, she takes it in more of a selfish way by oftentimes relating their experiences to herself in order to understand their suffering. For example, many of the patients she meets with talk about their difficulties with how they are looked at by other people.”, then I introduce the quote above. I then explain the quote after by saying, “By listening to their experiences, Jamison demonstrates perspective-taking, yet there is a lack of empathy.” Although Jamison is demonstrating perspective taking, there is a lack of empathy she has for these people since not only is she taking their experiences in a more selfish way by comparing them to her own, but she also believes in their suffering but doesn’t believe in the cause.
