Beyond Class Activities
1.) Involvement Fair
On Thursday my friend and I attended the student involvement fair with two of our other friends after our class. Since our class got out late, we only had an hour to walk around and look at the clubs. There were a few we were interested in, for example ski club and cheerleading but we didn’t end up signing up. After walking around for a bit, we did end up signing up for one club that is run by our floors RA. He explained to us how signing up for the club can be used towards our volunteer hours, the club consists of gathering medical supplies and bringing them to foreign countries that can’t afford them. He then explained to us how the leader was originally a nursing student here and because of the club got the experience to travel. Then we went to the UNE fitness table where they had the schedule of all the different workouts they have throughout the week. My friends and I were already talking about wanting to join the fitness classes here so going and talking to the instructors of the class was a cool experience. Then on our way out we entered in a raffle for concert tickets and flex dollars if we followed their UNE Instagram. We did not end up taking a selfie, but I did take a picture of my friend.
2.) Applied Exercise science Club
On Wednesday, my friend Nate and I attended the Applied Exercise science Club meeting. This was the first time either of us have gone to one of the meetings so we both didn’t know what to expect. This meeting was required for him to since he is already an Applied Exercise science major, yet we were both really interested in going. Prior to coming to UNE one of my top choices and major I was intending to declare was Applied Exercise Science. Although I am still torn between majors attending the meeting was still a good experience. The meeting itself wasn’t anything special except ice breakers and informing the students of what the club is about. Although the meeting was a didn’t have a great deal of things to do, it was still a good opportunity to be surrounded by people with the same common interests as me.
3.) Beach clean up
For environmental class they had an assignment to attend a beach clean-up. Since two of my friends were going, I decided to go along. We went to Fortunes Beach and cleaned up trash along the road.
1.) Football game
On Sunday my friends and I attended the football game between Endicott college. My roommate and I ended up leaving after the first quarter to get food and my other two friends stayed for the full game.
2.) Men’s Alumni Lacrosse Game
During Family weekend, my roommates and I attended the Men’s Alumni lacrosse game. Before our parents came up, we all attended the game early in the morning since we have some friends on the team.
3.) Men’s Hockey game
My friend from home came up and visited me for the weekend. On friday we ended up attending the hockey game, UNE versus Curry college.
4.) Going to see dogs
At the campus center on Friday before Thanksgiving break, they had comfort dogs for students to see. My roommate and one of our friends went to visit the dogs before our classes.