

Hi, my name is Liz Chiasson. I am from Belchertown; MA and I am currently Undecided. A little information about where I came from; Belchertown, MA is in western Massachusetts, and it is a big town with a small population for the size. There were about 130 kids in my graduating class, and I had an amazing academic experience throughout my time in Belchertown. For 11 years I did dance, but going into high school I decided I wanted to contribute to my school a little bit more by joining lacrosse and trying out a few clubs. Coming into college there were so many different majors I was interested in, yet I always had a deep feeling I want to do something in the health care field. from personal experience and interests have impacted my decision to consider going into the health care field. During the first semester I was very certain I wanted to major in exercise science and or nutrient. As those are both huge factors of my life that influence my daily life, I want to help impact others’ lives. For second semester I am getting a little taste of different majors for example education, that is helping that lingering questions about other interests I have. Moving forwards, I see myself in the future getting my bachelor’s degree in something along health sciences, from that I plan on going school for whichever field I decide from then!
