“Unfollow” By Adrian Chen
Megan Phelps-Roper’s life changed due to interaction caused on social media. Due to twitter, by being able to share her views on the Westboro Baptist church, Megan was able to gain a following of people who agreed with her views along with people who didn’t, still interacted with her to share their views. Since twitter is an easy place to share these points of views, Megans life was changed in a way that people were listening to what she had to say. “She loved that Twitter let her talk to large numbers of people without the filter of a journalist.” (Adrian Chen). Twitter allowed her to share her beliefs that she has been taught since she was a kid. Her parents’ beliefs had a large impact on what she grew up thinking which contribute to her involvement of the Westboro Baptist church. In some way, her parent’s views and teachings really make the changes in her life possible. If it wasn’t for what she was taught, she wouldn’t have a following due to her controversial thinking. Even though Megan wasn’t isolated due to being a part of the church, amongst her peers and the people she was around she still believed in what she was taught. She was taught that if someone believes in something other than what the church preaches, they aren’t loved by God or they are intentionally evil. Since her parents also had a big involvement with the church and planned the picketing’s, this could’ve increased her beliefs. Also due to her parents’ involvement Megan was a big contributor to the face of Westboro Baptist Church as a child due to Megan being the person they would talk to when interviews wanted a perspective of a young person. Since twitter allowed her to create new connections with people, she began to see a different world of people that in some way share a similar concept yet had different beliefs than her own. Once she learned the double standards that contribute to someone closely related to her and the teachings from the church, she began to doubt what she has learned. Through the connections and understandings from twitter she was able to be openminded to the fact she was doubting what she was taught. Rather than questioning her doubt and justifying it, from learning of other people’s beliefs she was able to admit her doubt. Once she was faced with the true facts of what the church taught them, she finally gave into her doubt and left the church.