“Want to Be Less Racist? Move to Hawaii?” By Valasquez-Manoff
In the text, Valasquez-Manoff explains how race is looked at differently in Hawaii compared to the mainland. In Hawaii there is a large amount of diversity, with a bigger population of people who have moved there from different places around the world. “The campus was clearly diverse, but I quickly realized the assumption underlying my fieldwork was fatally flawed. Here I was trying to discern ancestry, but how was I to know anyone’s background just by looking, particularly in a place where people were so mixed?” (Page 4) Due to this large amount of diversity, rather than stereotyping people to two categories of “Black and White” they have a larger knowledge of genetic background. In relation to “Bad Feminist”, Gay describes how people often stereotype feminist with characteristics of hating men, wanting to prove they can provide for themselves, not wanting help from others and changing how women get paid less than men. People that don’t understand not all feminists are the stereotypical feminist rather being a feminist because its they believe in. This is similar to how people from the mainland don’t often look at factors other than skin color when labeling who someone is. This can also be compared to Gradins reading on Neurodivergent people and how the world is set up against people who experience challenges while learning. The three texts include categorizing people into groups based on factors about them they’re not able to change. Valasquez- Manoffs explains how people from a large diverse population are not as prone to label based strictly on skin color. Gay explains how though not all feminists may look the part, there are different categorizations of feminist that may make one group look more motivated than another. And in Gradins text about Neurodivergent people, the world isn’t set up for people that learn the same as them. Though each of these readings are getting across different messages, the ideas of stereotyping and categorizing people are just something of a natural habit people experience. Especially based on environment, if you’re not able to experience different cultures outside of your own you’re limiting yourself to sticking with what is comfortable to you.