Grandin Post

Grandin Post

The term Neurodivergent can come off as more extreme meaning to some people. Neurodivergent people can be someone who is closely related to you or someone you may not think would have a learning problem. In Temple Grandin’s article, they explain how the world is set up against people with these learning conditions. “Still, many aspects of our society are not set up to allow visual thinkers- which so many of us neurodivergent folks are- to thrive.” Personally, I have been diagnosed with ADD and Dyslexia since the first few years I began school. Going through life with learning and experiencing the world with these learning disabilities, I have been able to experience this firsthand. For example, during exams it has always been a struggle for me to sit and pay attention through the entire exam. If it wasn’t for accommodating with the school to receive extra help, 504s or IEPS, I wouldn’t have done well on these tests. This is just one example of many things that have come as a struggle to me within the classroom, outside of the classroom I have learned through everyday life how to life with these diagnoses. For someone that is a visual and auditory learner, I have been able to experience what Grandin was trying to get across in their article.

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